Dear 2F.B.I,
Aww... B00H00! It is our last literature lesson wib Ms Rakeezah, so sad rite? She is such a nice teacher. Any way there is no school tomorrow for all ^^ Do be prepared for EOY Promotion tomorrow. I WILL update the blog and inform all of you if you hab been promoted to Sec.3 Express (or 3NA) Pray hard people... Anyway Night Safari outing is this Saturday people, inform Brenda if you are interested.
PRAY PPL PRAY! Don't be too upset if you are transfered to 3NA(Ch0y!) beacuse i know all have tried your best!!! Start PRAYING people... I will update the results thru post tmrr night. FINGERS CR0SSED!
Marvin Bih signs off.........
Upcoming Birthdays...
26th November -Leong Xinni
26th November -Phang PeiLing